Captivate by Ellie

Ellie is just lovely! She’s clever and friendly and helpful and a delight to be around.

The first time I  met Ellie, we were at The Australian Botanic Garden – it was hot – things were running late  with the wedding before us – and we all had to wait. Ellie was great. She helped me keep the bridal party cool and calm and then helped me line them all up and signal me for their entrance. ( She doesn’t have to do any of that. It’s not her job – but she was so happy to help out)

Ellie does wedding hair – and makeup – for everyone from the bride to your flower girls – and she knows exactly how to make you look just like yourself – but better. She won’t cake your face up, so we can’t see you. She won’t push you into a look that doesn’t feel like you. She will – if you want her to  – stay with you all day long (especially good if you have an early morning ceremony – and a long day of photos – and then a night time reception OR it’s a Summer wedding).

I love her work – and I  think you will too. Tell her I said hello.

PS Sneak a peek at her facebook tutorials – they’re great – I’ve certainly learnt a thing or two!





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