This flashback photo popped up in my memories and although it was years ago, I remember this night so clearly. Not only did I have a ball dancing with some very cool aunties, it was the evening that my dear friends @msannmarieyuen and @adr.hong launched their competition to get the best pics of yours truly. This is no easy tease. I am overly expressive. Never still. Always talking. From memory, @adr.hong snapped this joyful pic.......First point awarded. The competition continues........
`Cos you`re a sky full of stars.....
Oh how I loved @thegroundsofalexandria dressed up circus style . These glowing walk-through stars were a dream. My fabulous friend @cjpicture_au certainly made good use of the sparkles!
Photo 1 and 2. October 15 2013. Warriewood Beach. Barefoot on the sand.
Photo3, 4 and 5. November 8 2024. Royal Botanic Gardens. Barefoot under a centuries old Moreton Bay Fig.
How priveleged and fortunate am I to be asked to reunite with Markus and Kristin after 11 years and to renew their vows for the next decade of their lives. To be remembered. To have their memories of their first wedding be so beautiful that they should want to do it again - with me.
And it struck me, as I referred back to those moments and contrasted them with their next ten years together, that really , this is what I do. I paint pictures with words. I try to leave feelings of warmth and celebration behind me. It is never the fancy dresses that take my breath away. It is humanity. Beautiful, real, honest humanity.
And that is always a privelege to witness.
37 seconds of tears and joy.
It`s amazing how beautiful tiny can be.
Eillia and Mitch did not expect much from their ceremony ( they told me later), nor from their photo/video. After all , how much beauty can be found in a tiny wet-week-day wedding with only 4 guests?
Actually - lots.
As always, a huge thank you to my dear friend @cjpicture_au for immortalising this teeny tiny snippet of love
Appreciation Post incoming......
This guy.
There`s a million reasons that we all love him.
He`s super helpful, incredibly friendly, carries more tech and gadgets than JB Hifi, entirely dedicated to the entire experience ( and that starts long before the event itself) and a joy to be around.
But for me, he`s my best back up guy, a dear friend, the one that remembers my diet coke, the one that knows exactly what my funny waving pinky in the air means, the one that plays my favourite tunes and happily teases me without mercy. He`s my partner in party crime and if you are looking for amazing teamwork - with me - or without me - I could never recommend him highly enough.
Thanks to the third part of our Wedding Tripod @msannmarieyuen for the pics. ( If only I could get you in front of the camera, I`d make a fuss of your lovely face too)
You think your aunties and your uncles won`t play? They`re too old, too serious, too shy, too quiet? I disagree.
So does @dj.dumplings Big Pink Stick
I absolutely love these super fun pics from my friends at @msannmarieyuen . These aunties - and grandma - know a good time when they see one!
"Just do that thing, Jeff" I said. Our beautiful couple were the nervous type. Nervous about people, nervous about cameras - just nervous. "What thing? " he asked me. " You know, that thing where you just tell them to go for a walk by themselves and you take gorgeous sneaky pics as you walk behind them, until they feel comfortable, and then I get them hitched...." "Oh, that thing......." He did the thing.
I love that thing.
My wonderful friend Jeff at @cjpicture_au did the thing and after a while, they weren`t nervous, anymore, so I did my thing
It`s ok, Dad. It`s easy.......
You might not think so, but the Father of the Bride is terrified and excited all at the same time. He`s proud and deighted to walk his little girl down the aisle. He`s also completely terrified to stuff it up and tread on her dress, walk the wrong way, not sit at the right time, accidentally tread on the veil and pull it out of her head......
Dads need a little direction and some support.
That`s why I always tell my girl " YOU are walking your dad, down the aisle. Just don`t tell him"
Caught in the act of pre-wedding comfort for Catherine`s Dad, by the lovely @ameliasoegijono at Bradleys Head
Jenny and Lloyd were absolutely positively not having a first dance - or any dancing at their wedding. There was no room for a dancefloor. Besides, it was a Tuesday night - and nobody dances on a Tuesday. Do they?.......
Never say never on your wedding day!
Bride and Groom caught mid-spontaneous-boogie by my fabulous friend @cjpicture_au
Read more from my happy couples!